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The co-author of the phenomenal New York Times bestselling classic The One Minute Manager® explores the skills needed to become an effective self leader in this essential work, now updated throughout.
Laurie Hawkins - 2.29k Followers, 375 Following, 27899 pins IUP 2017 Fashion Merchandising Major. Laurie Hawkins 1405 days ago I can almost guarantee that Indian IT companies are going to get scorched, and they should. There is so much corruption from within, it is COMPLETELY mind boggling.
Just as Ken Blanchard’s phenomenal bestselling classic The One Minute Manager gives leaders the three secrets to managing others, so this follow-up book gives people the three secrets to managing themselves. In Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager, readers will learn that accepting personal responsibility for their own success leads to power, freedom, and autonomy.
Through a captivating business parable, Ken Blanchard and coauthors Susan Fowler and Laurence Hawkins show readers how to apply the world-renowned Situational Leadership® II method to their own development. The story centers on Steve, a young advertising executive who is about to lose his job. Through a series of talks with a One Minute Manager protégé named Cayla, Steve learns the three secrets of self leadership. His newfound skills not only empower Steve to keep his job, but also show him how to ditch his victim mentality to continue growing, learning, and achieving.
For decades, millions of managers in Fortune 500 companies and small businesses around the world have followed Ken Blanchard’s management methods to increase productivity, job satisfaction, and personal prosperity. Now, this newly revised edition of Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager empowers people at every level of the organization to achieve success.
Inside this issue:
* Resources shared byVAAP members
* Updates from CMS,AHCA/NCALA
* Creative ideas fromacross the country
* Positive Vibes fromARAAP
* VAAP Membership Renewal Information
www.VAAPonline.org VAAPBoard@gmail.com
Laurie Hawkins, ADC – Longtime VAAP Member shared thisresource. It has several topics that maybe of interest to you to include;
- 3 Ways to Avoid the Depression Trap Challenge Your Repetitive Thought Patterns to Turn Negativity Around.
- Why Bother?
With so much going on in the world today, you might have hit the point of asking “why bother?” A lot of situations feel pretty grim right now and some days it’s hard to find the energy and enthusiasm you need. - The Language of Flowers –
These natural mood boosters do more than just brighten your day—they also evoke long-term positive emotions. - Navigating Your New Normal –
Lifestyle expert Linda Cooper suggests four activities you can do in your home to keep your spirits up. - Surviving Self-Quarantine with Your Relationships Intact –
Now that most Americans find themselves self-quarantined, we’re learning to negotiate a completely different daily routine. CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke joins us to offer some helpful tips for managing relationships and learning how each person can create space for themselves. - How to Cope with Bad News Overload –
When the news offers nothing but despair, it’s easy to lose your balance. Here are some suggestions for getting back to center. - 6 Ways to Find Calm Intervention During a Panic Storm –
How to find stillness in the face of a global epidemic
Free physical distancingresources, resident packets & activity ideas
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Activity Ideas
Wehope these help support you all during this time. We’re cheering for you andplease let us know if we can help in anyway!
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Has several in room activityideas items on their FB Page. “CF is going totally online beginning with their July1, 2020 issue. They also put extra in roomcontent that can be printed and utilized with your residents.
VAAP has NUMEROUS resourceslisted on their www.VAAPonline.org site under the resources/links tab.
VAAP is providing the varies links and resources for activity professionals yet does not endorse one company or entity over another. See the individual company websites for details. ***Sources cited for all content shared.
The increasing demands on ActivityProfessionals…
“TheActivity Profession is under enormous pressure from the many changes imposed bymany recent CMS & CDC Guidelines to address the COVID crisis. While theseformal Guidelines primarily apply to the Medical Model of Care, they directlyimpact delivery of the Social Model of Care. To date, there have been noexplicit guidelines or regulatory changes to the requirements for the deliveryof activities. Accordingly, regulatory requirements for the delivery ofactivities remains an essential and required service. At the same time, thechanges and limitations imposed by CMS and CDC, force the Activity Professionto change how we deliver activities. There has been no suspension of FTag 679requirements for activities. However, we must comply with CMS and CDCGuidelines for infection control that place limitations on group activitiesthrough quarantine and room confinement. In fact, Activity Rooms can now beutilized for direct medical and clinical care. Further, FTag 741 remainsunchanged and requires our communities to maintain sufficient staff to providedirect services to residents to assure safety and attain the highestpracticable physical, mental and psychosocial well-being of each resident. Thechallenge we face is to comply with CMS and CDC guidelines, while at the sametime fulfilling our requirements as essential personnel delivering the SocialModel of Care.”- https://www.nccap.org/covid-19-activity-director-resources. (For certification information seewww.nccap.org).
AHCA/NCALA informationthat relates to our industry:
CMS Press Release
CMS Infection control criticalpathway survey tool that will be used by surveyors:
CMS COVID-19 PreparednessChecklist for Nursing Homes and other Long-Term Care Settings:
Asthe VAAP Conference was cancelled due to the pandemic, many of you may bewondering about maintaining your credentials … NCCAP Is offering assistance,and free live webinars through July 1, 2020. Check out the NCCAP.org site fordetails.
READ What ActivityProfessionals from other states are doing
Life Care Center of Kona, Hawaii, puts on Christian movies or singalongvideos to help residents fill their spiritual cup. Associates take residentsout one at a time in good weather for wheelchair rides around the building andprovide fresh flowers in residents’ rooms one to three times a week. They alsoprovide a traveling beauty cart in which associates provide hand, arm and legmassages, brush and style the residents’ hair and paint their nails. “We feelif they look good, they will feel good,” said Patricia Biegner, activitydirector.
Life Care Center of Columbia, Tennessee, implemented an activities “roomservice” card to pass out to residents for them to circle what independentactivities they are interested in. Also, Carolyn Howell, activities director,shared, “I have ordered communion cups and bread to do communion once a weekwith them to help make up for the lack of spiritual friends coming into thebuilding.”
LifeCare Center of Bountiful, Utah, took residents ontours of world-class museums through Travel and Leisure’s new virtual tours. Thewebsite offers tours of the British Museum in London, the Guggenheim Museum inNew York, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the Musée d’Orsay inParis and several others.
SanLuis Care Center in Alamosa, Colorado, has been signingup many residents for the Colorado Talking Book Library so that residents canlisten to audiobooks. Associates have also been providing MP3s with residents’favorite musical genres.
Associates at WestsideVillage Nursing Center inIndianapolis, have been passing out magazines and having residents go on ascavenger hunt for certain items in the publications. The residents then cutthose items out to make collages.
Angie Swafford, activity director at LifeCare Center of Vista,California, is planning a “Who Am I?” guessing game. “I will interview threestaff members and residents and write something unique about them. Then I willpost it on the board for everyone to guess and play.” Angie has also beenproviding special snacks for her staff in appreciation for their extra work –from bags of chips to breakfast burritos!
That means “hallway bingo” in Beaver Dam, Kentucky; video conferences with family at TheVillages in Rockville, Maryland; and a fresh supply of puzzles and coloringbooks at the Avoyelles Manor nursing home in Plaucheville, Louisiana.
McKnights.com shared…
Laurie Hawkins Update: Software free. download full
- Making paper airplanes and flying them down each hallway (soeverybody could see them) was popular, while music streamed throughout commonareas and into rooms also was mentioned.
- One location is conducting exercise regimens with the help ofheadphones given to residents, while trivia contests for both residents andstaff were mentioned numerous times.
- Making it possible to see visitors through windows, of course,was among the most uplifting. This would include family members, of course, butalso animal visitors such as a kangaroo, dogs or cats.
- Shares “50 Activities for the Elderly in Lockdown or Isolation”
May DayActivities
Flower themed day. Flower Trivia, Flower Word Games,Flower crafts for the doors, dress with flowers, coloring flowers etc. Emily Riehle
Small flowers baskets for the doors. Salina Henke
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Be Sure to ADD your ideas and resources on the VAAP Blog
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Laurie Hawkins Update: software, free download Windows 10
VAAP MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL REMINDER Many of you that were members in2018-2019 have not yet renewed your VAAP Membership. Remember that the VAAP Membership year nowruns January 1 – December 31st of each calendar year. Be sure to complete the renewal form belowand send to the Treasurer to keep your membership in good standing!